my sources for Adya clarity story, I spent weeks monarch and Mike Adams research axe jobs at Adya Inc. of Matt, and on Wednesday, 20June, a judge in a California courtroom was kind enough to give me a slam dunk in relation to these two individuals were fully under their own Web of lies and deception, where they buried the other onenamed Ian Clark. This decision of this privilege ultimately my sources for Adya Clarity story, MatthewBakos, running this agent trust Cointel are needed on public giving and I am now in a situation, eventually in the whole story behind the failure introduced by the corrupt morally ready for pretty mucheverything for the sake of the Jews serve access back to the NWO. In fact, Matt monarch, fame, even a Jew was before MTV, and I suspect that the same can be said of Mike Adams, if the truth be known. At least some of them; There are genetic markers close your eyes, lips, and one sees only men in Shylock, to tell the...